Here's how it works for practitioners...

→ Click here to see how it works for clinics
Step 1
Register and get Verified

Once you've installed the app, register your account and get searching!

We recommend becoming a Verified Lokko Physio so that clinic can see you are legit, and you are shown at the top of the applicants list.

Step 2
Set your alert filters

To be notified of new shifts instantly, setup your alert parameters under the Settings > Notifcation Filters. You'll get a push notification every time a new shift is listed that matches your settings.

Step 3
Apply for a shift

When you see a shif that's right for you, click the Apply button. The clinic will then get an alert, and they can see you in the list of applicants for that shift.

Step 4
Get hired, get to work!

If a clinic accepts your application, you'll get a push notification straight away. We recomend touching base with the clinic over the phone to confirm.

COMING SOON: We've got an instant chat feature under way, which will be ready in November.

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